Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Odd-Eyed Cat of Rhodes, Greece

Nikon D50, at 55mm.

This is an image my daughter took in Rhodes, the Greek Islands of a white cat with two different coloured eyes. The condition most commonly affects white-colored cats, but may be found in a cat of any color, provided that it possesses the white spotting gene. There is a common misconception that all odd-eyed cats are born deaf in one ear. This is not true, as about 60%–70% of odd-eyed cats can hear. White cats with one or two blue eyes do, however, have a higher incidence of genetic deafness.

This cat was hiding under a car but I completely missed seeing it because I was busy photographing something else. By the time my daughter pointed it out to me, it had shied away and I couldn't get a decent shot of it. However, she took a brilliant one as you can see, photographer extraordinaire as she is (even though she has a Nikon!!)